Thursday, January 31, 2008

Tivoli Storage Manager Admin Center on rhel5

If you install the ISC and Admin Center for Tivoli Storage Manager on a RHEL5 box and you get the "portlet unavailable" error try installing libXp
$ yum install libXp
then stopping and starting the ISC again (by default $isc_home is /opt/IBM/ISC601/):
cd $isc_home/PortalServer/bin
./ ISC_Portal iscadmin iscpassword

check for runaway processes
$ ps -ef | grep -i java

Then startup the the ISC again...
./ ISC_Portal


Unknown said...

Thanks, for our help me!!!

Anonymous said...

Thank you very much. I had the same problem and installing libXp solved it out.

Sanjay said...

Thanks for this really worked.